The Polish Red Cross offers psychosocial support to everyone, who have suffered from the armed conflict in Ukraine.
If you need to talk to someone, want to learn about other services, or have lost contact with loved ones due to the conflict - CALL
The Infoline is open Monday through Friday from 09:00 to 17:00. Our assistance is anonymous and free of charge.
Number for people calling from Poland +48 800 088 136
Number for people calling from abroad +48 221 520 620
About the PRC Infoline
How the Infoline works?
Each call is answered by a trained employee of our Infoline. He will greet you, telling his name and informing you that you have reached the PRC Infoline.
Our Infoline is staffed by specialists from Poland and Ukraine. The first person to answer your call will be an experienced operator who, after a short conversation about identifying your needs, will provide you with relevant information or connect you with a psychologist on duty.
If it happens that you do not speak the same language, you will be redirected to another employee (our specialists speak Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and English). During the conversation, our specialists will ask you a few questions to tailor help to your needs. We will accompany you as long as you need it. The only situation in which an employee of the Infoline may disconnect earlier is the one in which he encounters aggression that makes conversation impossible.
What help does the Infoline offer?
At our Infoline, we mainly provide informational support and psychological assistance. Our operators provide information on current activities carried out by the Red Cross and other organizations operating in Poland. Our psychologists offer help to everyone who needs support. They will talk about any matter important to you. We treat every situation, every problem and doubt with which you call us individually and we look for such a solution together. We are wondering what can be done in this particular situation, what are our options and what can really change your situation.
Is the Infoline anonymous and free of charge?
Yes, the Infoline is anonymous and free of charge. Our conversations are confidential. That means we won't tell anyone what we talked about. In a situation where we decide that your health and life is at risk, we will contact people who will take care of your safety.
I called the Infoline, but no one answered - why?
Our helpline is open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00. Calls outside these hours will not be answered. If you called within the specified time, but no one answered your call, there are two possibilities. The first is a situation in which all operators are talking with clients. In this situation, please try to call in a moment. The second situation is when the Infoline is closed or there is a failure.
Friend in Touch
This is a programme of the Polish Red Cross aimed at strengthening the methods of coping with stress and improving the well-being of beneficiaries under the care of the Polish Red Cross, especially those affected by the effects of the armed conflict in Ukraine. Thanks to regular contact with the professional staff of the Polish Red Cross, beneficiaries can benefit from psychosocial support that can improve their well-being and reduce the feeling of loneliness.
The "Friend in Touch" program is available free of charge for every adult person from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00. To use the program, you must register using the form
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can benefit from the "Friend in Touch" program?
Any person over the age of 18 who has suffered from the armed conflict in Ukraine and having a Polish telephone number.
Is the program "Friend in Touch" paid?
No, participation in the "Friend in Touch" program does not involve any fees.
How can I sign up for the "Friend in Touch" program?
Just fill out the form and wait for the first call.
When are calls under the "Friend in Touch" program carried out?
PCK employees will contact the participants of the "Friend in Touch" program at times convenient for the beneficiaries of the program. When applying for the program, beneficiaries must specify the time period in which they want PCK employees to contact them.
Calls under the "Friend in Touch" program are conducted from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00.
Can PCK employees visit beneficiaries of the "Friend in Touch" program?
No, the "Friend in Touch" program assumes only telephone contact between a PCK employee and program participant.
How can I share my opinion about the program?
Opinions about the program can be sent using the form You can also use the Polish Red Cross Infoline available from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00 at the number: +48 800 088 136 (the number for callers from Poland) or +48 221 520 620 (the number for callers from abroad). In special cases of security breaches or issues of a sensitive nature, please contact us by e-mail:
Who are the employees of the "Friend in Touch" program?
PCK employees with experience in providing psychosocial support participate in the "Friend in Contact" program. Beneficiaries of the “Friend in Touch” program can also use the help of a psychologist.
How will I know that someone from the "Friend in Touch" program is calling me?
All calls under the "Friend in Touch" program are made at the agreed time, declared in the application form or agreed during an earlier conversation.
"Friend in Touch" calls are made from the number: +48 221 520 620.